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The past few months

May 29, 2012

This past weekend I have been kindly, but strongly  informed that I need to update my blog from several family members 🙂

Let me think…what has happened?

Olivia turned 2!  She is no longer my little baby, but rather my loud, adorably cute little girl that I just love to death! For the big day we took the family to the fair so she could ride the pony’s and see all of the animals.  She is officially our little princess!

We also came up to Gunlock for the Iron Man.  There was an aid station set up in front of our house so we were able to volunteer, which was pretty cool.  These people are in shape! I would probably plop over an die if I ever attempted something like that, but a family friend who was in it was telling us that the majority of women who race in these are in their mid-thirties…so I guess that gives me a few years!


Jaxon is also done with preschool! He cannot wait for kindergarten..supposedly it is “way cool”.

There have also been a bunch of other random happenings and cute pictures that I will post about later, but for now…I need to go eat some lunch 🙂

One Comment leave one →
  1. May 29, 2012 12:03 pm

    I can’t believe how big all your kids are getting. 🙂 So Cute!

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